

Assalamualaikum semua. Hai! so this is gonna be the first post ever on my blog. First of all, really hoping someone out there might be reading my blog or else... I’m talking to myself! Hahaha. So back to the topic, the title said IM PREGNANT FOR THE SECOND TIME . But why? Sebab.... I pernah miscarriage early this year. When I was about 5 weeks and a half. It was a complete miscarriage. I was in a huge pain. The cramping was really bad. But what matters the most now is, Allah hears me. He listens. And He made it. Alhamdulillah. So now let’s forget the past. But just in case if someone wanted me to open up the story on how I had my miscarriage before, perhaps I will. Just let me know okay? So lepas ni, I nak buat post baru, cerita pasal symptoms-symptoms before I dapat tahu I pregnant! Mesti semua nak tahu sebab I dah baca like hundreds of blogs pasal the same topic and tak pernah bosan! Sebab lain orang lain symptoms and experience dia kan ;)